October 12, 2022 | TruckerTools

The Power of Real-Time, Digital Visibility

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the power of real time digital visibility

The trucking industry includes 100,000 shippers across the U.S. supply chain, 1 million trucking companies and 3 million truckers. Each of these shippers, fleets and drivers uses multiple technologies in their day to day work. These technologies typically don’t share data with one another, which means the folks working in these jobs are constantly flipping back and forth between programs and apps. Because these technologies don’t usually share data with one another, that also means these folks are doing a lot of things manually. 

Now imagine a freight technology that connects the data dots running from shipper to freight broker/3PL to carrier and then driver when it comes to tracking freight. That’s what real-time visibility software platforms have to offer: real-time, digital visibility from the time the driver arrives at the loading dock and accepts the digital track until the freight reaches the receiver’s facility. When you have access to start-to-finish real-time digital load tracking info, your business can become more efficient, your shipper service levels increase and you provide time-savings to your carrier partners. 

Digital Load Tracking Makes Your Business More Efficient

Colorado-based 3PL Loadsmith began using Trucker Tools’ real-time visibility software in late 2021. Since then, Loadsmith has boosted its start to finish visibility by 30 percentincreased operational efficiency andsimplified workflows for carrier reps. Because Trucker Tools’ real-time visibility platform integrates with most shipper software platforms, Loadsmith shares freight visibility data with shippers digitally and in real-time. Doing so has reduces manual load tracking tasks like phone calls, emails or entering times in a spreadsheet. 

“Being able to provide visibility to our customers is very important, but it also makes conversations a lot easier when we can go to customers — especially those who use FourKites or Trimble — and tell them we can have that real-time visibility data flow from Trucker Tools directly into their software,” said Loadsmith Business Analyst Catharine Keown.

Higher Visibility Compliance Improves Shipper Relationships

As Surge Transportation’s Omar Signh will tell you, Trucker Tools’ real-time load tracking can improve your organization’s standing with shippers, as well. Since Surge began using Trucker Tools’ freight tracking platform in 2018, the company routinely achieves quarterly visibility compliance rates in the 90-100 percent range and scores in the top 10 of all service providers on shipper scorecards. 

“We’re able to provide best in class customer service by having one single platform on which to work and that’s certainly been one of the biggest drivers of new growth for us,” Singh said. “Trucker Tools’ load tracking is so easy to use that we always score very high on customer KPIs and scorecards. We continually rank in the top on KPI score-carding, which always is a driver of additional opportunities.”

“Trucker Tools’ load tracking is so easy to use that we always score very high on customer KPIs and scorecards. We continually rank in the top on KPI score-carding, which always is a driver of additional opportunities.”

– Omar Singh, CEO and Founder of Surge Transportation

Real-Time Visibility Technology Reduces Check Calls 

If you haven’t gone digital with your load tracking, here’s one very reason to consider: digitizing load tracking benefits carriers and drivers — and makes you a better partner to both. When a load is tracked with a technology like Trucker Tools’, you can see where the load is at any time either in Trucker Tools’ platform or right in your TMS. All the driver has to do is tap on “Accept Track” when prompted to start to tracking a load with Trucker Tools’ free driver app. 

If that’s not compelling enough, consider the time wasted on manual check calls and texts to drivers asking, “Where are you?” and “What’s your ETA?” Visibility platforms like Trucker Tools’ give you start to finish visibility that you can view on a computer screen with a click or two of your mouse. Not only does real-time visibility reduce or eliminate check calls, but it also allows you to address delays faster. For example, you can zoom in on the driver’s location in our platform and redirect the driver if they’ve gone to the wrong location for pickup or delivery. 

Find out “How Trucker Tools’ Load Tracking and ELD Integrations Strengthen Relationships with Shippers and Carriers.”

Schedule a free demo of Trucker Tools’ Smart Capacity software, including real-time visibility and digital freight matching.

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